We have been told that our mind is one powerful tool and that we can achieve the impossible just by conditioning the mind to believe that it is possible. Today, I will NOT talk about scientific explanations of how mind works, nor will I talk about spiritual ramifications of having positive thoughts to achieve the impossible. I will definitely not be dissecting Rhonda Byrne's book - The Secret (or The Magic or The Power). The lady from "down under" is entitled to have her own views and maybe she has experienced what she has written. Hey, if it helps someone pick up their lives from negativity and move towards positivity. Anything that motivates you is good.. except double cheese pizza with extra cheese... that's Bad..!!

I recently started meditating; that's when I found out that how my mind functions. I started by sitting comfortably and started concentrating on my breathing. I reminded myself that I HAD TO concentrate and have minimal thoughts, to which my mind said, "Yeah, you wish."
So.. the more I forced my mind to stop thinking about random thoughts, the more it ventured into dark and mystical harrows. I was surprised beyond measure experiencing the thoughts that lay hidden while my conscious mind toiled hard with the day-to-day deliverables.
At one point, my mind asked me, "Dude, wouldn't it be awesome if you were invisible". I brushed aside that thought. "Oh come on...", my mind continued, "just think of the amazing things you could do if you were invisible." "Yeah," I finally told my mind, "like, help people who are being bullied.. or maybe, visit the so called "guru's" house and figure out if they actually follow what they preach"
My mind guffawed aloud. "You son-of-a-bitch," it said, "the first thing you would do, is look and touch a lot of boobies, wont you? Admit it you bastard". I was angry at myself for allowing me to think of matters that are considered 'Taboo'.
As I continued my meditation, I realized how difficult it was to control the RAW power of the mind. The first day of meditation and I couldn't go more than a couple of minutes without any thought. I have been told - "The human mind is a loyal servant but a terrible master". Going ahead, I am going to try to put in more effort trying to control my mind.
And as I write this blog, I can feel my mind giving me the middle finger. "Fuck you...." It says to me.
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