I had dreamt about this day since the time I
realized I was in love with her. Nisha sat beside me. It had been almost an
hour. No words exchanged. No words necessary. In a distance, Jagjit Singh sang a melodious tune. Nisha hummed to the tune of the
song, “Har taraf.. har jagah beshumaar
aadmi…” Her voice was melodious. Her hand lay upon mine. Absentmindedly,
she would often draw her initials on my palm and kiss it. Our eyes would meet
occasionally and speak volumes; our lips only broke into a smile, still, no
words exchanged.
I come out with two piping cups
of Masala chai. Nisha too has moved
from her chair. She is sitting on the lush green grass in the lawn. I notice
she is barefoot. ‘That’s a first…’ I
say to myself and smile. I hand over one cup to her and sit down beside her. “How many utensils have you used? Is the
kitchen sink full already?” Nisha asks with a hint of mischief in her
voice. “Yes,” I say, “they are all waiting for you.” She takes a sip of the tea. “It’s nice,” she says. Turns to look and
me and adds, “As always”
“Remember our first trip?” I asked.
“How could I forget? All you did was tangle my hair. Stupid!” She
said with a mock grin. “Actually, after
we returned from that trip, I kept re-enacting various scenarios in my mind.” She smiled.
“You too? I thought it was just me.” I said.
“Tell me one thing Jitu, in spite of me making it so clear that we
can’t be together, why didn’t you leave? You could have had a better life. Things
would have been perfect. Why did you wait for so long?” Tears welled up.
She began to say something more but couldn’t. I could sense she was overwhelmed
by the situation. I move in closer to her and kiss her forehead.
“I’ve love you Nisha. Ever since I met you, I knew I wanted us to be
together. All it needed was a strong
resolve and a hope that God would do what is right. You are here right now
aren’t you?” I smile
“…but,” her words trailed into nothingness. The night sky fell upon
us like a protective armor, shielding us from the world of apathy, lies and
sorrow. We lay there for a long time. The soft lapping sound of the waves
interrupted by a distant cricket and rustling of the leaves provided the music
for our souls to relax. We both were at peace. For this moment, everything was
perfect. We had each other’s company and nothing else mattered.
“You know Nisha, I was always a dreamer. I think I dreamt this day to
reality. I have no regrets. I can now die in peace” I say.
Nisha slapped me right in the
face. “Shut up Asshole, dare you say
something like that.” Says Nisha.
“Asshole? That was romantic!” I say.
“Do you want me to get more romantic than this?” Nisha said, visibly
I hug her for a moment and plant
a kiss on her cheek. “Thanks for
everything Nisha. You made my day.”
“I love it when you call me Mr. Patil” I say and get up. “Let’s go inside. Everyone would be here in
some time” I offer her my hand to get up. She takes it gladly as she gets
up too.
“You have put on weight Nisha,” I say. “But you look lovely. To me you are perfect.” I wink.
Soon, we hear a car pull up in
the drive way. “I think they are here.” Nisha
Soon enough two little girls
burst in through the cabin door. “Hi dada
ji,” The youngest on screams at the top of her voice and runs towards me
and gives me a bear hug. “Dadi….” Screams
the elder one and runs to hug Nisha.
Soon, the silence of the Cabin by
the woods is broken by happy shrills and laughter. My grand kids are an
absolute delight. I watch my daughter and her husband standing in a corner
smiling at their daughters. They look happy too. A few more guests arrive. It’s
time to cut the cake. Nisha and me do the honors.
“Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary Mom, Happy 50th
Wedding Anniversary Dad,” our daughter wishes us.
“Happy Anniversary Mrs. Patil.” I say to Nisha.
“I know you wanted to hear this
from a really long time Jitu, so I am just going to say it now, I love you...!”
The sound of the claps die down and all I keep hearing are the last three
words that Nisha said.
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